About Us

Savanna living is a family run business based in the East Kent. We provide bespoke, service-user focused care and support to the elderly  in the community:

The foundation of our service is to help each individual achieve their maximum potential regardless of their personal circumstances. We believe in everyone’s abilities and we will help you maintain as much independence as possible. Our services are specifically tailored for each individual. We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all service. 

Our Aims and Objectives

Our main aims are to provide person centred care and support that addresses and meets your needs or those of your loved ones.

Our services are designed to provide positive outcomes that enhance quality of life, improve independence and provide opportunities for a happy and healthier wellbeing.

We work on a collaborative approach to listen to the views of everyone involved and we take into account the wishes and needs of our service users.

We aim to treat everyone with dignity and respect at all times.