We provide accommodation to Young People aged 16 to 25 years old young to help them achieve independence, gain useful life skills and prepare for adulthood. The Young People are supported in all areas of their lives including Education, Employment, Hosuing, Finances, Cultural Needs, Social Needs, Health Needs, Emotional Needs and Relationships.
We place our service users with similar minded people of the same age groups. Our accommodation house 2 to 4 young adults.
We work with our partners and have regular meetings with them to ensure that each service users support plan is achieved. We provide a safe environment where each young adult is free to express themselves. We treat each individual fairly and we not judge or discriminate against our young adults.
We help equip each service user with necessary life skills they need. These include but are not limited to,
- Attending community activities,
- Job applications,
- Interview skills,
- CV writing,
- Budgeting,
- Household chores and all aspects of daily living,
- Application for benefits,
- Cooking and healthy eating amongst others
- We offer support to achieve a healthy balanced lifestyle, through leisure and health activities
- We also offer out of hours support where needed
- We offer support in managing and attending appointments in the community and with other professionals
- All our accommodation has some outdoor space and vegetable patches which our young people can use to learn gardening skills or use gardening as therapy
Our Partners
In order to achieve the best outcomes for each young person we work with the following partners:
The relevant authority adult social services team
- Local employers
- The job centre
- The relevant council housing department
- Family (where applicable)
- Local community centres
- Educational institutions and authorities